Ausländischer Pfleger in der Neurologie

Your future medical professionals

Tunisia is a friendly and open, democratically constituted society with 11 million inhabitants and a medium average income.

The country and its people are known above all for their special hospitality, beautiful landscapes and outstanding cuisine. Tunisia also offers strong links in the health sector:

A three-year nursing study program allows quick familiarization phases and low hourly rates of the deficit notices.

Bi-/trilingual language training (AR, FR, EN) greatly encourages language learning at both national and international level.

Basic nursing training is based on the French and German nursing system and shows significant overlaps, especially in the area of basic nursing.

Tunisia is accustomed to Western culture and manners mainly through tourism - especially in the health sector many tourists and newly arrived immigrants are treated.

As a democratic country, Tunisia also follows the German working principles: Punctuality is just as much a matter of course as women in leadership roles or the separation of religion and work

Our base: Tunisia


students, nurses and other professionals


is the average years of experience our nurses staff have

I am Yamina, I am 27 years old and I studied nursing science in Tunisia. There also I have gained work experience, working in private clinics and hospitals. Unfortunately the working conditions were very bad. I am an ambitious person and I wanted to develop myself.

working in Germany was at first just an idea or a dream, something that seemed to be very difficult to achieve. Then I heard that I could learn the German language well at Getusion. Since I visited the information day…


Yamina Ben Alaya Certified health and nursing nurse at the St. Mauritius Therapy Clinic

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