We are looking for your Skilled Personnel abroad

Language – Certification – Administration – integration,
everything from one source

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Your trust is important to us

gerandu stands for great motivation that drives us. We pass on this promise to our partners. Find out more about many partners who rely on our quality.

Our promise of Quality

Gerandu Acquires Specialist personnel from abroad and helps medical specialists to successfully integrate into the German labor market. Gerandu acts as a link between specialists and hospitals. And offers tailor-made all round solutions

Contact us

Do you have a specific inquiry? Please use one of the following contact options. Our competent team will be pleased to help you with your request.

Lützowstr. 21
10785 Berlin

e-mail: info@gerandu.de
office: +49-(0)30-263 661 66
mobile: +49-(0)15-110-777-330

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